Audio conversation, in technical terms

To build the audio conversation part, we’re gonna need to connect multiple people and allow them to send and receive audio streams. For this, we will need to use WebSockets, a database to store the user/channel states and WebRTC, and an API to easily retrieve and update user/channel states.

<aside> πŸ’‘ WebSocket is a web communication protocol that can be used to build real-time communication apps.


<aside> πŸ’‘ WebRTC is a technology that enables real-time communication between web browsers (like video and voice communication).




Social graph, in technical terms

In a conversation, we need to identify who we are talking to. We could even determine who can join our conversation on certain criteria, like a belonging to a same group for instance.

This notion implies the use of a social graph.

<aside> πŸ’‘ A social graph is a global mapping of people, groups, organizations and how they are related in an online social network. When you tag a friend, like a page, or check in a place on Facebook, you are completing your social graph.


In our case, we can use Lens Protocol to build the social part of our app and manage profiles and relationships between our users.

From their website

Lens Protocol is a composable and decentralized social graph, ready for you to build on so you can focus on creating a great experience, not scaling your users.


<aside> πŸ’‘ A monorepo is a single repository containing multiple distinct projects, with well-defined relationships.
